Species Guide

Sprouting Friendships since 2015.

Plotties are a closed species.
Please don't make one without permission.

This set of characteristics are what makes a Plottie.
Please avoid making your species or OC too similar.
Thank you!

All monster traits are Epic and require an Epic Bundle.


- Drippy tints and leaf mark.
- No eyes on head.
- Eyes on bloom.
- Eyes on body.
- Eyes inside transparent patch.
- Multiple Eyes.
- Bloom Mouths.
- Poison Sap.
- Bloom limb.
- Infected by Fungi/Parasites (Infected Plottie).
- Dead Bloom (Ghost Plottie).
- Needle Teeth.
- Stitches.
- Multiple Mouths.
- Split Tongue.
- Mouths on Body.


- Corrupted Body.
- Extra Limbs.
- Multiple Heads.

All frost traits are Epic and require an Epic Bundle.


- Frost Flowers.
- Frosted Blooms.
- Ice Ribbons.
- Needle Ice.
- Ice Hair.
- Snowflake Pupils.
- Icicles.
- Ice Blossoms.
- Encased Blooms.
- Ghost Leaves.
- Ghost Fruit.



- None.

All pyro traits are either Epic or Legendary and require a special MYO slot.


- None at the moment.


- Flame pupils.
- Firey Leaf Mark.
- Visible Roots.
- Goblin Ears.
- Lava tints.
- Lava drips.
- Thermo tints.
- Thermophile Algae.
- Fire Breath (Legendary).
- Pyrokinesis (Legendary).
- Fragokinesis (Legendary).

© 2015-2020 HANIICU. All rights reserved.

No part of this information, including logos, graphics, artwork, concept and/or lore may be reproduced,
copied or altered in any way without the express consent of the creator.

Plotties Closed Species by HANIICU is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
